Strasbourg Observers

View posts from: Mikyas v. Belgium

  • Saïla Ouald-Chaib

Mikyas v. Belgium: one more ‘headscarf case’ that manifestly fails to acknowledge applicants’ concerns

July 17, 2024

By Saïla Ouald-Chaib “Les droits de l’homme n’existent pas. Ce sont les droits de l’homme blanc” These are the words of a young French Muslim girl whom I met when I was still in law school. She spoke those words when she learned I was studying human rights law. Her words stuck with me during […]

  • Theresa Lanzl and Harriet Ní Chinnéide

Kirkorov v Lithuania: Reflections on the Blurred Lines between Manifestly Ill-founded decisions and No Violation judgments

June 28, 2024

By Theresa Lanzl and Harriet Ní Chinnéide On the 18th of April, the ECtHR rejected a complaint from Russian musician, Philip Kirkorov, concerning the Lithuanian authorities’ decision to ban him from entering the country. After engaging in a full proportionality assessment, the Court found that his complaint was manifestly ill-founded and proportionate to the legitimate […]

  • Cathérine Van de Graaf

The Human Rights Centre submitted a joint third party intervention in a case before the ECtHR against Belgium concerning a ban of religious symbols in public high schools

September 01, 2021

Cathérine Van de Graaf is a research fellow at the Academy for European Human Rights Protection (University of Cologne) and affiliated researcher at the Human Rights Centre (Ghent University). The Human Rights Centre of Ghent University (Belgium) submitted a joint third party intervention (TPI) before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR or the Court) […]