Strasbourg Observers

Meet the Strasbourg Observers! We are organizing a conference on “Mainstreaming Diversity” in Strasbourg

January 10, 2011

On February 3 and 4, you can meet us in Strasbourg where we organize the conference: “Mainstreaming Diversity: Rewriting Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”

The conference wants to suggest ways in which the European Court of Human Rights might improve its mainstreaming of diversity concerns. The conference is organized in six panels, respectively dealing with gender, cultural minorities, religious minorities, children, disability and sexual orientation.

In each panel, three persons will propose a new draft of some crucial passages in a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, in order to improve its accommodation of minority concerns. Judges of the European Court of Human Rights and NGO-representatives will comment on the proposals.

On our blog we are constantly commenting on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Now, with this conference we aim to bridge the gap between academic analysis and judicial practice. Academics are invited to move one step further compared to what we usually do, i.e. analyze and criticize a judgment. Instead of standing at the sidelines, academics are invited to roll up their sleeves and do the arduous work of drafting a judgment themselves.

We warmly invite all our readers to participate in this conference! Attendance is free.

For more detailed information and registration please visit the website:

We look forward to meeting you!

The Strasbourg Observers

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