Strasbourg Observers

Seminar Announcement: Stereotyping as a Human Rights Issue

November 11, 2013

The Human Rights Centre of Ghent University organizes a seminar on the topic of Stereotyping as a Human Rights Issue. The seminar will take place in Ghent on 4 December 2013.

The purpose of this seminar is to explore the topic of stereotyping from a wide human rights perspective. We will address questions like: How do invidious stereotypes affect the enjoyment of human rights? How came the language of stereotyping to be included in human rights treaties such as CEDAW and CRPD? Does human rights law manage to capture the harms of stereotyping? How could human rights law be improved in this respect? What potential has a focus on stereotypes to develop a more robust notion of equality in human rights law?

This is the program: 

10.00 Welcome and Introduction
Eva Brems (Ghent University)
10.15 The UN Human Rights System and Stereotyping
Simone Cusack (international human rights lawyer)
11.00 Stereotyping in the Legal Reasoning of the ECtHR
Alexandra Timmer (Ghent University/Utrecht University)
11.45 Coffee
12.00 Human Rights and Stereotypes of Persons with a Disability
Michael Perlin (New York Law School)
12.45 Sandwich Lunch in Het Pand
13.45 Human Rights and Racial Stereotyping
Mathias Möschel (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense)
14.30 Gender stereotyping and the Dutch SGP Case
Rikki Holtmaat (Leiden University)
15.15 Coffee
15.30 Stereotypes, Culture and Religion in the Case Law of the ECtHR
Lourdes Peroni (Ghent University)
16.15 Stigmatized Meanings of Criminal Abortion Law
Rebecca Cook (University of Toronto)
17.00 Closing Discussion


Venue: Persconferentiezaal, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Ghent

There are a few places available. Attendance is free, but registration is required. If you would like to attend this seminar please send an email to

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