October 13, 2017
On 21 September 2018, the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University is co-organizing a Workshop “Responding to Legitimacy Challenges and Choices for the European Court of Human Rights – Researchers Meet the Court” in Strasbourg. This is the call for papers (deadline 15 February 2018):
Responding to Legitimacy Challenges: Opportunities and Choices for the European Court of Human Rights
Researchers Meet the Court
September 21, 2018, Strasbourg
Call for papers – Deadline February 15, 2018
Challenges confront the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and its procedures, policies and judgments. Criticisms concern the Court’s backlog, its methods of interpretation, its deference to domestic actors – or its lack thereof. Reactions from states include willful partial compliance with judgments or even principled resistance. These challenges have appeared in many different shapes: not just as criticism from State Parties’ governments, but also from domestic courts, academics, civil society organizations and the media.
Against the backdrop of these challenges, we organize a workshop at the European Court of Human Rights to facilitate informal exchanges among academics and members of the Court including the Registry. The aim is to identify and discuss both challenges and possible solutions. The event will address how the ECtHR may respond and does respond by varied means, including:
– criteria for case selection;
– the Court’s reasoning;
– pilot judgments;
– dialogues with domestic judiciaries;
– the margin of appreciation doctrine.Call for Papers
We invite abstracts of maximum 400-500 words together with a cover letter by February 15, 2018, in one single PDF document. The abstract should go beyond the standard conference abstract and include the key steps of the argument to be presented. The cover letter should include a 1 paragraph CV and explain the context of the paper: e.g. whether it is part of a PhD project, whether it is based on undertaken empirical research or part of ongoing research etc. Accepted contributors will be asked to provide a 4-5 page position paper, to be presented at a panel of the workshop.
Travel funds will be available upon request.
This event is organized by PluriCourts of the University of Oslo, The Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) and the Montaigne Centre at Utrecht University, the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University, Koç University Centre for Global Public Law and Hertie School of Governance, Berlin in collaboration with the European Court of Human Rights.
For more information, please contact:
Andreas Føllesdal or Tanja Czelusniak
In response to the above Challenge against the ECHR. The ECH’s current unacceptable manner in which Single Judges and a Rapporteur rejects “competent” Applications which “clearly” involve Human Rights breaches needs to change at once.
The very same Human Rights violations occurred to my VIP as in HL v the UK {2004} but, we got nowhere with the ECHR.
In the United Kingdom all confidence in both our Criminal and Family Justice System seems to be non-existent. We seem to have No Human Rights at all as well.
Considering this ‘Miscarriage of Justice’ that my innocent Family and loving Learning Disability/Autistic son suffered, cannot be proportionate in any Democratic Society.
In the United Kingdom, the Court of Protection is supposed to protect the vulnerable but, it allowed 3 years of abuse by a dishonest relative {that the colluding parties favoured} and then rightly STOPS the Contact whilst, we did nothing wrong, got no contact, is gagged and is treated like criminals.
I am still at a lost as to what role does the ECHR portray in Europe if they refuses to address the “total disappearance” of this young man from his Family while, they will look at Immigration cases which highlights Family separation. Perhaps, my application was rejected because I did not use a Solicitor but, their website states “Individuals can submit applications”. My Solicitors could not get the meticulous application right so, I did it and got it right after 2 attempts but, it was refused by the ECHR.
I believe that they should be charging Applicants if the large backlog is an issue. I believe that if Applicants are charged by the ECHR, they will think twice before sending in an Application which has No Merits. This deterrent will surely decrease unnecessary applications and save the ECHR time.
Sorely tempted to write on the subject of “living together / vivre ensemble”, which the Court has smuggled into recent judgments on issues such as Islamic veiling and which isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Convention. But it would just turn into a rant, so I’d better not go there.
Frank Cranmer