Strasbourg Observers

View posts from: Freedom of movement

  • Eleni Polymenopoulou

Triumph or pyrrhic victory for the freedom to protest? A critical discussion of Auray v France

May 31, 2024

By Eleni Polymenopoulou On February 2nd 2024, the European Court for Human Rights (ECtHR) issued Auray v France, an interesting judgment condemning France for restricting freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and protesters’ freedom of movement. The judgment, which is for now available in French only, became final on May 5th and builds on the […]

  • Guest Blogger

When States Steal Christmas: the Citizens’ Right to Return to the Country of Citizenship in Time of Pandemic

January 07, 2021

By Andrea Preziosi (University of Birmingham – School of Law) Prologue When I started writing this post, I was stuck in Birmingham few days before Christmas instead of being on a flight to Italy to spend the holiday break with my family. Needless to say, it was not my decision, but the result of the […]

  • Guest Blogger

The EU Court in Luxembourg is raising the bar on LGBT rights

February 23, 2018

By Sam MacMahon Baldwin, Attorney-at-law (Advokat) at Gorrissen Federspiel 2017 ended with the Strasbourg Court reaffirming the decision from Orlandi and Others v. Italy that Member States must recognize and protect same-sex unions – although the Court did not require recognition of actual same-sex marriage. Now well into the new year, it is the EU […]