September 12, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to conclude our series of tributes to Judge Tulkens with this guest post by Professor Paul Lemmens (KU Leuven). We wish Judge Tulkens a happy birthday today and, above all, much happiness in her post-ECtHR life. Judge Tulkens, we will truly miss your voice on the Court. We would also […]
September 11, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professors Emmanuelle Bribosia and Isabelle Rorive (Université libre de Bruxelles). Justice.- Qui mieux que Françoise Tulkens incarne la justice ? Femme de principe, elle l’a encore été dans l’affaire Yoh-Ekale Mwanje c. Belgique (arrêt du 20 décembre 2011) qui concernait une ressortissante camerounaise atteinte […]
September 10, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Serge Gutwirth (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). Dans la triste affaire de M.C. c. Bulgarie, une jeune fille bulgare de quatorze ans et dix mois, M.C., encore vierge auparavant, affirma avoir été violée par deux hommes en une nuit. Les faits se déroulent au […]
September 06, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne). Quel honneur de participer à ce «blog tribute» en l’honneur du juge Françoise Tulkens! Admirée de tous et de toutes, elle a incontestablement marquée l’oeuvre jurisprudentielle de la Cour : de l’intérieur, par la […]
September 03, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Judge Wilhelmina Thomassen, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights 1998-2004 and Justice of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands 2004-2012. Fourteen years ago, in 1998, the ‘old’ European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission of Human Rights were […]
August 30, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professors Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis) and Frédéric Krenc (Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis) In a Grand Chamber judgment of 15 March, 2012 (Austin vs UK) the European Court of Human Rights held, by a majority, that containment within a police cordon during a violent […]
August 28, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, University of Sussex. Françoise Tulkens arrived at Strasbourg because she wanted to make a contribution to the development of European human rights law. She had no prior judicial experience but brought to her new office fine legal skills and […]
August 27, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Margarida Garcia, University of Ottawa. Ma rencontre avec Françoise Tulkens a sans doute été plus importante et inspirante pour moi qu’elle ne le sait. Dans le cadre de ma recherche doctorale, je me suis intéressée aux rapports entre les droits de […]
August 24, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Dirk Voorhoof, Ghent University. ‘Au moment où les vents sont contraires, nous pensons que notre Cour doit plus que jamais renforcer la liberté d’expression qui, loin de constituer une protection ou un privilège, est un des éléments clés de la démocratie’ […]
August 22, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Julie Ringelheim, Université catholique de Louvain. I warmly thank the team of Strasbourg Observers for this opportunity to highlight the remarkable contribution of Françoise Tulkens to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) during the almost 15 years […]
August 20, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Ann Jacobs, University of Liège. La jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme est riche et foisonnante, personne ne le contestera. Elle est le fruit de conceptions diverses de la Justice et de la justice, d’expériences professionnelles et humaines […]
August 16, 2012
The Strasbourg Observers are delighted to post this tribute to Judge Tulkens by Professor Samantha Besson, University of Fribourg. Françoise Tulkens is about to leave the European Court of Human Rights, and this is sad news. For the Court, of course, but also for the academic community. Throughout her career as a judge, Françoise Tulkens […]
August 14, 2012
According to HUDOC, Judge Tulkens sat on the panel of 1843 ECtHR judgments, amongst which 217 Grand Chamber judgments. The same source lists as her oldest judgment the article 6 case of Van Pelt v. France on 23 May 2000. As HUDOC – however wonderful – has its imperfections, we cannot know for certain whether […]
August 13, 2012
Next month, Judge Tulkens will be leaving the ECtHR after serving on it for fourteen years. She has been the Belgian judge since 1998, the year the new Court started working. As of 2011 she has been one of the Court’s two Vice-Presidents. We at the Strasbourg Observers are based in Belgium – at Ghent […]